Kp Astrology Books Pdf
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Kp Astrology Books Pdf Books
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Steps in the KP Horary 1. Take a Horary Number. 1.1. Take a horary number from 1-249 with the querent's strong urge to know the correct answer. Points to ponder: 1.2. The `Time chart' analysis may not be the KP Horary, which depends on the qu erent's chosen number referring to a particular sign, star and sub as the Ascend ant. 1.3. If no urge means no horary, then the `Time chart' without the querent's urg e may not be horary. 2. Check the Moon for Genuineness of the Question. 2.1. Check the Moon whether it signifies the main or any of the subsidiary house (s) in question. For example, for foreign going the main house is 12 and the sub sidiary houses are 3 and 9. (see appendix 1) Points to ponder: 2.1. In the `Time chart' without the querent's urge and the KP horary chart with number fixing the cusps of the zodiac, for the genuineness of the querent's que stion, how the Moon position, depending on the time of judgment of the astrologe r, would be the precondition to get the correct answer? 2.2. Is there any KP reference for 9 to be the main house for foreign going as t aken by some astrologers and the two interlinks theories. 3. Check the Main House CSL for Promise of Desire. 3.1. Check whether the CSL of the main house signify the main or any of the subs idiary house(s) in question. 3.2. In the question 'Will I go to Dubai office for Job as I am not interested i n going to Cairo?', the main question is 'Will I go to Dubai?' for foreign going to take 12 as the main house as per KP, and the purpose of journey is for job. Point to ponder: 3.3. The promise of journey may not be linked with the purpose of the journey, i .e. 12th CSL should be linked to 3,9 or 12, but 6,10 for job is optional. 4. Examine 11th CSL for Desire Fulfillment. 4.1. Examine whether the 11th CSL signifies the main or any of the subsidiary ho use(s) in question and 11 to find out about the fulfillment of desire. 4.2. In this case of foreign going, it is to examine whether the 11th CSL signif y 3,9 or 12, 11. Points to ponder: 4.3. The 11th CSL's signification of 11 alone may not be sufficient for fulfillm ent of all kinds of the querist's desires, like foreign going, marriage, promoti on etc. because 11th has no power to operate independently. 4.4. It may be therefore more reasonable, if the 11th CSL signifies any relevant house to question, here 3,9,12 and also 11. 5. Cross check Ascendant CSL for Success of Querent's Attempt. 5.1. Examine whether the 1st CSL signifies any relevant house to question and 11 to find out about success of the querent's attempt. Points to ponder: 5.2. It may be better if the 1st CSL signifies not only 11 as found by some astr ologers but also any relevant house to question, here 3,9,12. 6. Check the DB lords with the Ruling Planets 6.1. Check whether the current running DB lords are the significators of the mat ter in question and then they are common with the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment. Point to ponder: 6.2. Is it to use the extended 7 RPs for the validity of above, as experienced b y some astrologers? 7. Fix the Timing. 7.1. Fix the conjoined period (DBAS) of the selected significators when the tran sit agrees. References 1. KP Reader VI, Horary Astrology, esp. p 89 2. Hints for judging a horary chart, Astrosecrets & KP Part II, 2003, pp 214-221 3. Guidelines for preparing and judjing a horary chart by K.P. Kuppu Ganapathi, KPE-zine Feb 2007 issue @ 4. KP for Beginners- Part 11: Reading a KP Horary Chart, free KPE-zine Apr 2009 issue 5. Prashna Jyotish, by C.R. Bhatt 6. Prashna, by Umang Taneja, 2007 7. Astrosecrets and KP Part I, by M.P. Shanmugam, 2003, horary pp 253-264 8. Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks, by S P Khullar, 2006 9. New Dimensions of K.P. Astrology (Horary), by Dr. Arastu Prabhakar, 2007 Appendix 1 Abstract from 'Rules for Foreign Going, Settlement and Return to Motherland', free KPE-zine July 2009 issue @ I.1. Basic Foreign Going Rule 1. One can go foreign only if the sub lord of the 12th cusp is connected in any manner with house 3 (change of residence) or 9 (long distance travel) or 12 (life in an altogether new environment and separation from family), preferably house 9 during the DBA signifying 3,9,12 when transit agrees. 2. The above basic rule of foreign going is found applied with success in examples of the following references. 1) KP Reader III p 321 (Old Edition, Practical Part p 155) 2) KP Reader VI pp 264, 301 3) CR Bhatt: Nahshatra Chinyamani pp 96, 144 4) CR Bhatt: Further Lighst of Nahshatra Chinyamani pp 15, 81 5) MP Shanmugam: Astrosecrets and KP Part I, 2003, p 208 6) K Subramaniam (Editor): Astrosecrets and KP Part III, 2002, p 58 7) KM Subramaniam: Sublord Speaks Part 3 page 133 8) KP Kuppu Ganapathi, KP & Astrology Year Book 2009 p 58 9) K Subramaniam, KP & Astrology 2008 p 1 10) K Subramaniam: KP & Astrology 2005 p 2 11) K Subramaniam: Astrology for Beginners Vol. 6 p 1064 12) K Hariharan: How to Judge a Nativity p 38; 13) K Hariharan: Krishnamurti Padhdhati p 52 14) N Santhanalingam: KP & Astrology 2002 p 39 15) Dr. Bal Krishna Singh: KP & Astrology 2002 p 195 16) G Subramaniam, KP & Astrology 2007 p 23 17) Katakam Ramasamy: KP & Astrology 2006 p 46 18) R Gopal: KP & Astrology 2005 p 21 19) TS Bisht: KP & Astrology 1997 p 25 3. This rule is also found valid for almost all charts with only one exception in the study of 100 foreign settlement charts ie. the 12th cusp sub lord is connected with any of house 3, 9 an
Kp Astrology Books Pdf Download
A wiki created for sharing learning material, tutorials and resources on KP System. KP Astrology ( K. Krishnamurty ) PDF Free Download KP Astrology ( Chandrakant R. Bhatt ) PDF Free Download Disclaimer: All information / material available on this website or the links provided on the site are for educational and informational purposes only. Avast business antivirus pro serial key. KP system to eager students, who need not become professional astrologers for earning sake; till 1961. He retired from service voluntarily on19-9- 1961. From 20-3-1963 Astrology & Athristha, KP Ephemeris for the years 1911-1970 and 6 KP Readers were published and Prof. Nvidia cg toolkit download mac.