Mac Library Logic Folder
A lot of Mac tutorials mention the Library folder, which is where your macOS applications store things like settings and caches. Some settings can only be changed by editing files in the Library. But the Library is hidden by default. A new folder named “Vintage Drums Bank” will be created in the /Library/Application Support/Logic/Sampler Instruments folder. A second folder named “Vintage Drums Samples” will be created in the /Library/Application Support/Logic/SoundFont Samples folder.
It depends which samples you are referring to:
Mac Library Logic Folder Download
All the audio samples based on the EXS24 Sample (including the Drum Kit Designer Samples) are stored in the 'EXS Factory Samples' folder and the ones based on the Ultrabeat instrument are stored n the 'Ultrabeat Samples' folder.
These are all the Logic factory samples stored in the system directory.
All the user created samples are stored in the user directory ~/Music/ Audio Music Apps/
Audio FIles for the Apple Loops are stored in a different location /Library/Audio/
Mac Library Logic Folders
Mac Library Logic Folder Examples
Hope that helps
Edgar Rothermich
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Apr 29, 2015 8:26 AM